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  • バングラデシュ工科大学と学術交流協定更新の調印式をオンラインで開催しました Online Signing Ceremony for Renewal of Academic Exchange Agreement with Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

バングラデシュ工科大学と学術交流協定更新の調印式をオンラインで開催しました Online Signing Ceremony for Renewal of Academic Exchange Agreement with Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology



コロナ禍の中にあって、対面での調印式を行うことが難しいため、Zoomを介した調印式が2021年6月21日に執り行われました。本学からは、坂井貴文学長を始め、国際本部から長谷川靖洋国際企画室長、理工学研究科から奥井義昭教授、松本泰尚教授が参加され、バングラデシュ工科大学からは、Satya Prasad Majumder教授(副学長)、Abdul Jabbar Khan教授(副学長代理)、Abu Siddique教授(学部長)、Saiful Amin教授など20名を超える関係者が参加されました。


Saitama University (SU) concluded the academic exchange agreement with Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) on March 30, 2011 and renewed for the first time in 2016. This is the second renewal of the Agreement. BUET is the oldest and most prestigious institution of higher education in Bangladesh for engineering and architectural education.

Due to COVID-19, it is difficult to hold a signing ceremony in person. Therefore, the signing ceremony was held via Zoom on June 21, 2021. From SU, Dr. Takafumi Sakai, President, Assoc. Prof. Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Director, International Planning Office and, Prof. Yoshiaki Okui and Prof. Yasunao Matsumoto, Graduate School of Science and Engineering participated in this ceremony. From BUET, more than 20 members participated, including Prof. Satya Prasad Majumder, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Abdul Jabbar Khan, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. Abu Siddique, Dean Committee Chairman and Prof. Saiful Amin.

They congratulated each other on the renewal of the agreement and promised further exchanges between the two institutions.

The greeting from President Takafumi Sakai
