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  • 18か国38人の留学生が参加する埼玉大学オンラインサマープログラムが始まりました The Saitama University Online Summer Program has started with 38 international students from 18 countries!

18か国38人の留学生が参加する埼玉大学オンラインサマープログラムが始まりました? The Saitama University Online Summer Program has started with 38 international students from 18 countries!






(*1 アメリカ、イギリス、イタリア、インド、ウクライナ、カンボジア、コロンビア、スペイン、スリランカ、セルビア、タイ、台湾、中国、ドイツ、ネパール、ハンガリー、フランス、ロシア)

Every year, Saitama University holds a short-term language and culture training program named the Summer Program.
This program started in 2015 and welcomed international students every year for five years until 2019, but we could not implement the program last year due to the Corona disaster.

This year, this program focuses on Japanese language learning. 38 students from 18 countries (*1) participate online from their home countries despite the time difference. During the four-week summer program, students will not only take Japanese language classes but also learn about Japanese culture through the activities such as online homestay.

In addition, SU students will interact with summer program students in the Japanese conversation room during the program period. Many SU student volunteers will play an active role in supporting Japanese language learning and planning the exchange events.

As the first program of the year, the opening ceremony was held on Monday, June 14.

(*1 USA, UK, Italy, India, Ukraine, Cambodia, Colombia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Serbia, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Germany, Nepal, Hungary, France, Russia)

開会式 Opening Ceremony



The opening ceremony began with a welcome speech by Prof. Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Director of the International Planning Office. After that, two representatives of the student volunteers introduced the exchange event. The summer program students immediately greeted each other in Japanese, showing their high interest in the program.

After the opening ceremony, the students were divided into two courses according to their Japanese level and attended the first class.

Students participating in the summer program listen to the greeting from Prof. Hasegawa.
