


「埼玉大学グローバルキャンパスの集い2018」開催 Saitama University Global Campus Evening 2018 held







“Saitama University Global Campus Evening 2018” was held on December 18(Tue), 2018. Annually held in December, this event aims to promote interactions between the international students and Japanese students. More than 250 people, including some volunteers as well as the international students and Japanese students, enjoyed the event.

It started with the opening speech by President Yamaguchi, followed by a panel discussion by 5 students (2 international students and 3 Japanese students) on the theme of "What outcome can we expect from academic experiences abroad?”

It was a good opportunity making us think about the meaning of “study abroad” through each and everyone’s special experiences.

After the panel discussion, exchange party started by a toast. Interactions between multiple cross-cultural group of people seemed to take place during the party.

On the stage was the dance of the Myanmar group, multi cultural dress show, along with the performances of Japanese instruments and a cappella chorus group by the student circles.

A cappella Christmas songs announced that the party is coming to an end and also reminded us that the 2018 is ending soon.

学長挨拶(Opening speech by President Yamaguchi)

パネルディスカッション(Panel Discussion)

ミャンマーのダンス(Myanmar Dance)

琴の演奏(Japanese Instrument)

民族衣装紹介(Dress Show)

アカペラ(A cappella)
