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2024年度サマープログラムを開催しました Summer Program 2024 was held




Every year, Saitama University holds a short-term language and culture training program named "Summer Program".
Summer Program 2024 was held for 4 weeks from June 8 (Sat.) to July 9 (Tue.), welcoming 7 students from oversea universities.
Summer Program students commuted to Saitama University while staying with host families and took intensive course in Japanese language, economics and liberal arts.
They also participated in out-of-class activities such as laboratory experiences in science and discussion seminars in economics, which gave them an opportunity to get a concrete image of what it would be like to study and research at Saitama University.

On the first day of the program, an orientation and science workshop were held, and on the following day, a barbecue was held at Shimizu Park. Students of Saitama University also participated in these events, and it was seen that students of the same age relaxed and deepened exchanges with each other.
In this year's program, SP students and SU students worked together on group assignments under the theme of "companies or stores we want to attract to Saitama University". On July 9, the final day of the program, each group made a presentation.
Students commented, "I used to be passive, but now I am able to take positive action, such as talking to them and inviting them out to play.", "Gave me the confidence to try different things."

Science workshop
Field Athletic in Shimizu Park
Barbeque in Shimizu Park